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Subject 13 [NB]

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Subject 13 [NB] Empty Subject 13 [NB]

Post  Shaco Wed Oct 19, 2011 9:32 pm

Subject 13
Subject 13 [NB] Heartless

Race: Nobody (officially. details come later)
Nickname: 13
Alias: The Survivor
Age: 0. This character was born through an experiment.
Hair: Short white spikes.
Eyes: Yellow. They glow.
Clothing: Same as picture
Tattoos/Scars: None.

[Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 162 lbs
Personality: Subject 13 is born of Nobody and Heartless, combined via an experiment. As such, he has no emotion. Since his rebirth in darkness, he has struggled to understand just what emotion is. With no memory of before his rebirth, he cannot recall emotion, and finds it most peculiar when others display it. He is curious, mostly about emotion, and will learn any means he can. His approach is to inflict emotion on others. Fear, Anger, Hatred, Love, Compassion. All such things are what he desires to create within his playthings.
† Keyblade †
Name: Damnation
Appearance: Same as picture
Armor: Tethers of shadow, as well as tethers of white shadow.
Glider: A black cloud of liquid shadow.


Subject 13 was created by a heartless researcher and his team as an effort to create a lifeform capable of fighting both with frightening efficiency. He sought to control the created creature using a special device used to simulate the effect of the heart on the body and soul of the creature. However, the task seemed impossible. Time after time, it failed, destroying the heartless and the nobodies that he had attempted to combine. While the cause may have been noble, the experiment itself was rooted in the darkness of the scientist's heart. The subjects were not volunteers: they were victims. They were labrats, held against their will. Perhaps that was why the first 12 died: the sheer force of their will preventing themselves from merging with the heartless. Subject 13, however, did not want to die. He would live, even if it meant giving up his freedom. He accepted his fate, and perhaps that is what made the difference.

What happened, however, far surpassed even the scientist's greatest hopes. Subject 13 was a radical success. Initial readings indicated a complete and total merger: neither heartless or nobody, and yet, both. Before any other preliminary data could be obtained, and the restraining technology put to use, Subject 13 dissolved into darkness. Believing it to be yet another failure, the scientist lamented his fortune. His staff saw the experiment as an imposssiblity, and none of the remaining 19 candidates survived. The project was officially concluded and it's research abandoned.

But Subject 13 was not dead. Instead, he was born again in darkness. He stepped back out into the worlds in Hollow Bastion: free from darkness, free from the heart, and free from his prison.


Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-10-19

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Subject 13 [NB] Empty Re: Subject 13 [NB]

Post  Aestus Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:17 pm

Straight and to the point: This isn't going to fly.

Credit goes to my friend Justin, but think of a person as a glass of frozen water. When they die or become consumed by darkness, the ice slides out of the glass. The ice represents a Heartless; they take the heart along with them when they leave. The glass represents a Nobody; the empty shell left behind. If you combine a Heartless; a being with no real body but a heart, along with an empty shell with no heart, you simply get a normal person.

Despite whatever counter-argument, any other alternative I have AA-cannons ready to shoot down.

Taking that into account, I would think it clear that you get no Keyblade; and therefore no armor or glider along with it.

It's not like you'd need it anyway. The armor is for protecting Keybladers from darkness, and the glider's for traversing the Lanes Between. You have no need for either; both Nobodies and Heartless may open portals through the Corridors of Darkness for travel.

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Join date : 2011-10-17

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Subject 13 [NB] Empty Re: Subject 13 [NB]

Post  Shaco Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:38 pm

:\ but if the heart and the container aren't the same... o.o can't really be a real person, yeah?

Oh well.

How bout this.

Subject 13 was part of an experiment to try to subjigate strong willed Nobodies for use in combatting the heartless. The lead scientist and project manager wanted to fight the Heartless threat without risking human life. The method of subjugation was a special chain that caused excruciating pain if the Nobody attempted to resist. The chain, however was defective, and prone to inflict far more internal damage than was intended. Subject 13th was the 13th attempt at finishing the product. The first 12 had died to wounds inflicted by the experimental chain.

The adjustments made to the chain seemed to perfect it. After a series of tests, it seemed that the experiment was a radical success. However, when the time came for practical application, a previously unseen critical flaw caused the chain to shatter. No longer restrained, the Nobody known as Subject 13 escaped into the darkness.


Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-10-19

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Subject 13 [NB] Empty Re: Subject 13 [NB]

Post  Aestus Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:05 pm

Every living thing has an age. If it doesn't have years, you can post months and days.

Interesting story, but you still don't get a combination of Nobody and Heartless. While the soul and shell may not be the same, you still get a normal person.

So choose: Nobody, Heartless, Keyblader, or Normal.

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Join date : 2011-10-17

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Subject 13 [NB] Empty Re: Subject 13 [NB]

Post  Shaco Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:17 pm

Race: Nobody
Nickname: 13
Alias: The Survivor
Age: 20.
Hair: Short white spikes.
Eyes: Yellow. They glow.
Clothing: Black hooded cloak
Tattoos/Scars: None.

[Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 162 lbs
Personality: Subject 13 is a Nobody. As such, he has no emotion. Since his creation, he has struggled to understand just what emotion is. With no memory of his human life, he cannot recall emotion, and finds it most peculiar when others display it. He is curious, mostly about emotion, and will learn any means he can. His approach is to inflict emotion on others. Fear, Anger, Hatred, Love, Compassion. All such things are what he desires to create within his playthings.


Subject 13 was part of an experiment to try to subjigate strong willed Nobodies for use in combatting the heartless. The lead scientist and project manager wanted to fight the Heartless threat without risking human life. The method of subjugation was a special chain that caused excruciating pain if the Nobody attempted to resist. The chain, however was defective, and prone to inflict far more internal damage than was intended. Subject 13th was the 13th attempt at finishing the product. The first 12 had died to wounds inflicted by the experimental chain.

The adjustments made to the chain seemed to perfect it. After a series of tests, it seemed that the experiment was a radical success. However, when the time came for practical application, a previously unseen critical flaw caused the chain to shatter. No longer restrained, the Nobody known as Subject 13 escaped into the darkness.


Posts : 26
Join date : 2011-10-19

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Subject 13 [NB] Empty Re: Subject 13 [NB]

Post  Aestus Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:53 pm

Any weapons?

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Join date : 2011-10-17

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Subject 13 [NB] Empty Re: Subject 13 [NB]

Post  Shaco Thu Oct 20, 2011 8:26 pm

He sharpens shivs out of whatever he finds.


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Join date : 2011-10-19

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Subject 13 [NB] Empty Re: Subject 13 [NB]

Post  Aestus Thu Oct 20, 2011 9:43 pm

Subject 13 [NB] Tsukaitesleepy-2

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Join date : 2011-10-17

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Subject 13 [NB] Empty Re: Subject 13 [NB]

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