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The Mark of Mastery [Part I][Aestus]

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The Mark of Mastery [Part I][Aestus] Empty The Mark of Mastery [Part I][Aestus]

Post  Aestus Wed Oct 26, 2011 5:57 pm

Aestus strolled into the academy grand hall to the room with three large chairs, seeing the old master Yen Sid sitting in the middle chair. Aestus went before the old master, bending his right knee to the ground to kneel in front of Yen Sid, and putting his right fist across his heart as he dipped his head.

Master Yen Sid.

The master nodded, indicating that Aestus could stand. Aestus slowly stood, and placed his hands clasped behind his back, waiting for Master Yen Sid's instructions.

The master had his eyes closed, as if concentrating or thinking on something, and then slowly raised his head, looking directly at Aestus with those eyes that seemed to be able to delve into his very soul with unbelievable perception. Aestus swallowed in a bit of nervousness, but didn't allow it to show.

"...Aestus. The Land of Departure's most promising Keyblade wielder. Today, you prepare to take your Mark of Mastery test. Are you sure on this course?"

Aestus did one quick nod. Master Yen Sid closed his eyes for a brief moment once more, and then refocused his gaze onto Aestus.

"...very well. Before you take your final exams here, you shall be tasked with checking the status of each other world, starting with Radiant Gardens. I want to know how the Hollow Bastion Restoration Committee is doing. After checking the status of the Restoration Committee, you are to go to the other worlds. I have unlocked the Lanes Between, so you may go."

Aestus bowed once more.

Yes, sir!

Master Yen Sid nodded.

"You may go."

Aestus nodded, and with a bounce in his step, walked out into the courtyard of the academy. He then pounded a fist into his arm, activating his armor, before forming both Radiant and Nightbringer, and tossing them into the air. They just formed a black board, and he jumped on it, as a portal of light opened up.

...I won't let you down, Master...sister...

Aestus then went through the portal to the Lanes Between.

Posts : 120
Join date : 2011-10-17

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