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Captain Jack Sparrow

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Captain Jack Sparrow Empty Captain Jack Sparrow

Post  NPC Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:40 am

Name: Jack Sparrow
Title: Captain of the Black Pearl
Personality: Sparrow's trademark physical characteristic is a slightly drunken swagger, accompanied by slurred speech and awkwardly flailing hand gestures that make him appear unfocused. But he's actually a decent, if self-serving, man who adheres to the "Pirata Codex". He believes pirates can still be "good men", seeing the Heartless causing trouble give real pirates a bad name. His drunkard-like persona doesn't mean anything when the fight comes. He also prefers to be called "Captain Jack Sparrow" or "Captain Sparrow".
Origin: A pirate who sails the high seas. He sure is a colorful character, and one who really values his freedom. He says he's a captain, but he doesn't seem to have a crew. Jack was arrested in Port Royal and thrown in jail, but Will Turner helped him escape during a pirate attack.

Captain Jack Sparrow Jacksparrow0

Pirates of the Caribbean (2003)


Posts : 27
Join date : 2011-10-21

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Captain Jack Sparrow Empty Re: Captain Jack Sparrow

Post  Aestus Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:50 am

Hey, hey...that's Captain Jack Sparrow to you, Mr. Cuttlefish.

Posts : 120
Join date : 2011-10-17

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