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Mulan, China's Bravest Woman

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Mulan, China's Bravest Woman Empty Mulan, China's Bravest Woman

Post  NPC Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:24 am

Name: Mulan Fa (or in the way of her origin "Fa Mulan")
Alias: Ping
Personality: Mulan is a very clumsy, independent, and outspoken girl who has the utmost honor and respect for her family and friends. During the first visit to the Land of Dragons, she is very insecure, however, as the story continues she starts to gain confidence in herself. She has a strong determination as seen in her multiple attempts to impress Captain Shang. Mulan is also an intelligent advisory in battle, as using the final rocket to create an avalanche to wipe out most of Shan-Yu's army.
Origin: The only daughter of the distinguished Fa family, Mulan has a hard time acting the way everybody wants her to. She's sure she'll never fit in. But when her aging father was ordered to join the Imperial Army, she sneaked away and risked her life to take his place.

Mulan, China's Bravest Woman Mulan

Mulan (1998)


Posts : 27
Join date : 2011-10-21

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